Loot Table Modification
onEvent('block.loot_tables', event => {
event.addSimpleBlock('minecraft:dirt', 'minecraft:red_sand')
onEvent('block.loot_tables', event => {
event.addSimpleBlock('minecraft:dirt') // To drop itself (fix broken blocks)
event.addSimpleBlock(/minecraft:.*_ore/, 'minecraft:red_sand') // To drop a different item
onEvent('block.loot_tables', event => {
event.addBlock('minecraft:dirt', table => { // Build loot table manually
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.rolls = 1 // fixed
// pool.rolls = [4, 6] // or {min: 4, max: 6} // uniform
// pool.rolls = {n: 4, p: 0.3} // binominal
pool.addItem('minecraft:dirt', 40) // 40 = weight
pool.addItem('minecraft:dirt', 40, [4, 8]) // [4-8] = count modifier, uses same syntax as rolls
// pool.addCondition({json condition, see vanilla wiki})
// pool.addEntry({json entry, see vanilla wiki for non-items})
Example from Factorial: (adds 1-3 leaves dropped from all Leaves blocks, 4-8 logs from all log and wood blocks and 4-8 stone from Stone, Cobblestone, Andesite, Diorite and Granite)
onEvent('block.loot_tables', event => {
event.addBlock(/minecraft:.*_leaves/, table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.addItem('factorial:leaf', 1, [1, 3])
event.addBlock(/minecraft:.*_(log|wood)/, table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.addItem('factorial:wood', 1, [4, 8])
], table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.rolls = [4, 8] // Roll the pool instead of individual items
pool.addItem('factorial:stone', 1)
You can also modify existing loot tables to add items to them:
onEvent('block.loot_tables', event => {
// all dirt blocks have a 50% chance to drop an enchanted diamond sword named "test"
event.modifyBlock(/^minecraft:.*dirt/, table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.addItem('minecraft:diamond_sword').randomChance(0.5).enchantWithLevels(1, true).name(Text.of('Test').blue())
Other loot table types work too:
onEvent('entity.loot_tables', event => {
// Add a loot table for the zombie that will drop 5 of either carrot (25% chance) or apple (75% chance)
// Because the zombie already has a loot table, this will override the current one
event.addEntity('minecraft:zombie', table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
pool.rolls = 5
pool.addItem('minecraft:carrot', 1)
pool.addItem('minecraft:apple', 3)
event.modifyEntity('minecraft:pig', table => {
table.addPool(pool => {
// Modify pig loot table to *also* drop dirt on top of its regular drops
Supported table types:
Event ID | Override method name | Modify method name |
generic.loot_tables | addGeneric | modify |
block.loot_tables | addBlock | modifyBlock |
entity.loot_tables | addEntity | modifyEntity |
gift.loot_tables | addGift | modify |
fishing.loot_tables | addFishing | modify |
chest.loot_tables | addChest | modify |