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The custom ContainerMenu event is a startup event.
Custom Container menus are created in a startup script. They cannot be reloaded without restarting the game. The event is not cancellable.
for block entities made with beJS:
StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
event.create('example_block' /*name can be anything*/, 'block_entity')
.addSlot(-10, -10) // adds a slot into this x,y position on the texture
.addSlot(10, 200)
.loop(builder /*this builder*/=> {
for(let x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
builder.addSlot(x * 18 /*<- the width of a slot, remember to add this*/, y * 18)
.addOutputSlot(118, 118) // adds a slot you can't put an item into, but can pull an item from
.playerInventoryY(100) // marks the start of the player's inventory on the texture
.tintColor(0x00FF00FF) // a color to tint the whole inventory texture, in hexadecimal [r, g, b, a]
.setBlockEntity('kubejs:example_block') // the block entity that should open this GUI on right-click
for any block:
StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
event.create('grass_block' /*name can be anything*/, 'block')
/*default parameter set*/
.setBlock('minecraft:grass_block') // the block that should open this GUI on right-click
for entities:
StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
event.create('snow_golem' /*name can be anything*/, 'entity')
/*default parameter set*/
.setEntity('minecraft:snow_golem') // the enity type that should open this GUI on right-click
and lastly, for completely separate 'basic' GUIs:
currently nothing can access these!
StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
event.create('name_here' /*name can be anything*/)
/*default parameter set*/
- basic (this is the default)
- block_entity
- block
- entity
addSlot(x, y)
addOutputSlot(x, y)
drawable(screenX, screenY, textureX, textureY, u, v, textureLocation)
progressDrawable(x, y, rect2i, textureHeight, textureLocation, direction, type)
fluidDrawable(x, y, rect2i, textureLocation, direction, tankIndex)
customDrawable(x, y, rect2i, textureLocation, direction, (menu, screen, drawable, direction) => ...)
backroundTexture(texture, x, y, u ,v)
quickMoveFunc((player, slotIndex, menu) => ... return item)
validityFunc((player, pos) => ... return boolean)
button(rect2i, textComponent, button => ...)