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The custom BlockEntity event is a startup event.

Custom BlockEntities are created in a startup script. They cannot be reloaded without restarting the game. The event is not cancellable.

StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
	event.create('example_block', 'entity' /*has to be here for the BE builder to work*/).displayName('Example Block')
	.entity(builder => { // adds a BlockEntity onto this block
	    builder.ticker((level, pos, state, be) => { // a tick method, called on block entity tick
            if(!level.clientSide) { // ALWAYS check side, the tick method is called on both CLIENT and SERVER
                if(level.levelData.gameTime % 20 == 0) { // only .levelData.gameTime works for some reason??
                    if(level.getBlockState(pos.above()) === Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState()) {
                        level.setBlock(pos.above(), Blocks.GLASS.defaultBlockState(), 3)
                    } else {
                        level.setBlock(pos.above(), Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), 3)
    	}).defaultValues(tag => tag = { progress: 0, example_value_for_extra_saved_data: '0mG this iz Crazyyy'}) // adds a 'default' saved value, added on block entity creation (place etc)
                                                                                                                  // [1st param: CompoundTag consumer]
        .addValidBlock('example_block') // adds a valid block this can attach to, useless in normal circumstances (except if you want to attach to multible blocks)blocks or are building the BE separately)
        .itemHandler(27) // adds a basic item handler to this block entity, use something like PowerfulJS for more advanced functionality
                         // [1st param: slot count]
        .energyHandler(10000, 1000, 1000) // adds a basic FE handler, same as above
                                          // [1st param: max energy, 2nd param: max input, 3rd param: max output]
        .fluidHandler(1000, stack => true) // adds a basic fluid handler
              	                           // [1st param: max amount, 2nd param: fluid filter]

all valid methods:

  • addValidBlock('block_id')
  • ticker((level, pos, state, blockEntity) => ...)
  • defaultValues(tag => ...)
  • itemHandler(capacity)
  • energyHandler(capacity, maxReceive, maxExtract)
  • fluidHandler(capacity, fluidStack => isValid)

currently nonfunctional

alternatively, you can create the BlockEntity separately and attach it with EntityBlockJS.Builder#entity('kubejs:be_id')

StartupEvents.registry('block_entity_type', event => {
	.ticker((level, pos, state, be) => { // a tick method, called on block entity tick
        if(!level.clientSide) { // ALWAYS check side, the tick method is called on both CLIENT and SERVER
            if(level.levelData.gameTime % 20 == 0) { // only .levelData.gameTime works for some reason??
                if(level.getBlockState(pos.above()) === Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState()) {
                    level.setBlock(pos.above(), Blocks.GLASS.defaultBlockState(), 3)
                } else {
                    level.setBlock(pos.above(), Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), 3)
    }).saveCallback((level, pos, be, tag) => { // called on BlockEntity save, don't see why you would ever need these tbf, but they're here
        tag.putInt("tagValueAa", be.getPersistentData().getInt('progress'))
    }).loadCallback((level, pos, be, tag) => { // called on BlockEntity load, same as above
          be.getPersistentData().putInt("progress", tag.getInt("tagValueAa"))
    }).defaultValues(tag => tag = { progress: 0, example_value_for_extra_saved_data: '0mG this iz Crazyyy'}) // adds a 'default' saved value, added on block entity creation (place etc)
                                                                                                              // [1st param: CompoundTag consumer]
    .addValidBlock('example_block') // adds a valid block this can attach to, useless in normal circumstances (except if you want to attach to multible blocks)
    .hasGui() // if ScreenJS is installed, marks this blockentity as having a GUI, doesn't do anything otherwise
    .itemHandler(27) // adds a basic item handler to this block entity, use something like PowerfulJS for more advanced functionality
                     // [1st param: slot count]
    .energyHandler(10000, 1000, 1000) // adds a basic FE handler, same as above
                                      // [1st param: max energy, 2nd param: max input, 3rd param: max output]
    .fluidHandler(1000, stack => true) // adds a basic fluid handler
                          	            // [1st param: max amount, 2nd param: fluid filter]

do take into account that Rhino is ass and might randomly crash the tick method at any point, i CANNOT FIX THIS