Reflection / Java access
Very limited reflection is possible, but is not recommended. Use it in cases,cases when modKubeJS doesn'doesnt support something.
In 1.18.2+ internal Minecraft classes are remapped to MojMaps at runtime, so you don't have use obfuscated names if accessing internal Minecraft fields and methods.
An example of adding a block with a custom material, built using reflection to get the MaterialJS class, then make a new instance of that with amethyst sounds and material properties from internal Minecraft classes.
// side:Startup clientscript, 1.18.2
const MaterialJS = java("dev.latvian.mods.kubejs.block.MaterialJS")
const Material = java('')
const SoundType = java('')
amethystMaterial = new MaterialJS('amethyst', Material.AMETHYST, SoundType.AMETHYST) // f_164531_ and f_154654_ are the respective obfuscated names of these fields, for older versions
//This isbuilder auses startup1.18.2 script.syntax, Thisit scriptwill changesnot a java variablework in ProjectE1.16 modor by accessing code directly
// Listen to post-init event, after all mods have loaded1.18.1
onEvent('postinit'block.registry', event => {
event.create('amethyst_slab', 'slab')
.material(amethystMaterial)// LoadsUse Javathe classnew fieldMaterialJS varinstance PECorewe =created java(as the material
public.texture('texture', static boolean DEV_ENVIRONMENT of PECore class to false
PECore.DEV_ENVIRONMENT = false'minecraft:block/amethyst_block')
This does come at a cost, it takes 1-2 seconds to load this script, instead of the normal milliseconds. You should always import your classes at the top of the script, instead of in an event.