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Basics Custom Mechanics

KubeJS Legacy Getting Started

By now you have created a custom recipe, or maybe multiple, or even manipulated tags, or created ...

Updated 5 months ago by Q6

KubeJS Botany Pots

KubeJS Addons

Download: Curseforge Modrinth This mod allows you to create crops, soils, and fertilizers for th...

Updated 6 months ago by Bob Varioa

Custom Items

KubeJS Events

The custom item event is a startup event. Custom items are created in a startup script. They can...

Updated 8 months ago by Lexxie

Custom Tiers

KubeJS Events

The custom tier event is a startup event. You can make custom tiers for armor and tools in a sta...

Updated 8 months ago by Lexxie


KubeJS Events

This page is still under development. It is not complete, and subject to change at any time. The...

Updated 8 months ago by Lexxie

Block Modification

KubeJS Events

The block modification event is a startup event. BlockEvents.modification event is a startup scr...

Updated 9 months ago by G_cat

Introduction and Installation

KubeJS Legacy Getting Started

Installation Install the mod and its two dependencies Architectury and Rhino.Make you use the mo...

Updated 9 months ago by Lat

Using ProbeJS

KubeJS Legacy Getting Started

ProbeJS is an add-on that is built exclusively to help you program. What it does: It generates ...

Updated 9 months ago by Prunoideae


KubeJS Events

The tag event is a server event. Tags are per item/block/fluid/entity_type and as such cannot be...

Updated 9 months ago by Lat


KubeJS Intro

What does this mod do? This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage your se...

Updated 9 months ago by Lat


KubeJS Legacy

FAQ What does this mod do? This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage yo...

Updated 9 months ago by Lat

Custom Blocks

KubeJS Events

This is a startup script, meaning that you will need to restart your gameĀ each time you want to m...

Updated 10 months ago by Lat

List of Events

KubeJS Events

This is a list of all events. It's possible that not all events are listed here, but this list wi...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat

Item modification

KubeJS Events

Item modification is a startup event. ItemEvents.modification is a startup script event used to ...

Updated 10 months ago by ChiefArug


KubeJS Events

General Notes Biome Filters: Biome filters work similarly to recipe filters and can be used to ...

Updated 10 months ago by Lat


KubeJS Intro

Here's a list of all documented (and sometimes undocumented) features that I can remember: [Fu...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat

KubeJS Additions

KubeJS Addons

Download: CurseForge, Modrinth No info yet! For more information please see the project's Githu...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat

KubeJS Ars Nouveau

KubeJS Addons

Download: Curseforge, Modrinth This addon allows you to create recipes for the mod Ars Nouveau ...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat

KubeJS ProjectE

KubeJS Addons

Download: Curseforge, Modrinth Lets you set the EMC values of items and the Philosopher's Stone ...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat

KubeJS Offline Documentation

KubeJS Addons

Dynamic Documentation in a single html page. Download: Curseforge, Modrinth KubeJS Offline is a...

Updated 10 months ago by Nat