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Custom Tiers

The custom tier event is a startup event.

You can make custom tiers for armor and tools in a startup script. They are not reloadable without restarting the game. The events are not cancellable.

Tool tiers
ItemEvents.toolTierRegistry (toolTierRegistry(event => {
  event.add('tier_id', tier => {
    tier.uses = 250
    tier.speed = 6.0
    tier.attackDamageBonus = 2.0
    tier.level = 2
    tier.enchantmentValue = 14
    tier.repairIngredient = '#forge:ingots/iron'
Armor tiers
ItemEvents.armorTierRegistry (armorTierRegistry(event => {
  event.add('tier_id', tier => {
    tier.durabilityMultiplier = 15 // Each slot will be multiplied with [13, 15, 16, 11]
    tier.slotProtections = [2, 5, 6, 2] // Slot indicies are [FEET, LEGS, BODY, HEAD] 
    tier.enchantmentValue = 9
    tier.equipSound = 'minecraft:item.armor.equip_iron'
    tier.repairIngredient = '#forge:ingots/iron'
    tier.toughness = 0.0 // diamond has 2.0, netherite 3.0
    tier.knockbackResistance = 0.0