Custom Items
Custom items are created in a startup script. They cannot be reloaded without restarting the game. The event is not cancellable.
// Listen to item registry event
StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
// The texture for this item has to be placed in kubejs/assets/kubejs/textures/item/test_item.png
// If you want a custom item model, you can create one in Blockbench and put it in kubejs/assets/kubejs/models/item/test_item.json
// If you want to specify a different texture location you can do that too, like this:
event.create('test_item_1').texture('mobbo:item/lava') // This texture would be located at kubejs/assets/mobbo/textures/item/lava.png
// You can chain builder methods as much as you like
// You can specify item type as 2nd argument in create(), some types have different available methods
event.create('custom_sword', 'sword').tier('diamond').attackDamageBaseline(10.0)
Valid item types:
- basic (this is the default)
- sword
- pickaxe
- axe
- shovel
- hoe
- helmet
- chestplate
- leggings
- boots
Other methods item builder supports: [you can chain these methods after create()]
- maxStackSize(size)
- displayName(name)
- unstackable()
- maxDamage(damage)
- burnTime(ticks)
- containerItem(item_id)
- rarity('rarity')
- tool(type, level)
- glow(true/false)
- tooltip(text...)
- group('group_id')
- color(index, colorHex)
- texture(customTextureLocation)
- parentModel(customParentModelLocation)
- food(foodBuilder => ...) // For full syntax see below
Methods available if you use a tool type ('sword', 'pickaxe', 'axe', 'shovel' or 'hoe'):
- tier('toolTier')
- modifyTier(tier => ...) // Same syntax as custom tool tier, see Custom Tiers
- attackDamageBaseline(damage) // You only want to modify this if you are creating a custom weapon such as Spear, Battleaxe, etc.
- attackDamageBonus(damage)
- speedBaseline(speed) // Same as attackDamageBaseline, only modify for custom weapon types
- speed(speed)
Default available tool tiers:
- wood
- stone
- iron
- gold
- diamond
- netherite
Methods available if you use an armour type ('helmet', 'chestplate', 'leggings' or 'boots'):
- tier('armorTier')
- modifyTier(tier => ...) // Same syntax as custom armor tier, see Custom Tiers
Default available armor tiers:
- leather
- chainmail
- iron
- gold
- diamond
- turtle
- netherite
Vanilla group/creative tab IDs:
- search
- buildingBlocks
- decorations
- redstone
- transportation
- misc
- food
- tools
- combat
- brewing
Custom Foods
StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
event.create('magic_steak').food(food => {
.saturation(6)//This value does not directly translate to saturation points gained
//The real value can be assumed to be:
//min(hunger * saturation * 2 + saturation, foodAmountAfterEating)
.effect('speed', 600, 0, 1)
.alwaysEdible()//Like golden apples
.fastToEat()//Like dried kelp
.meat()//Dogs are willing to eat it
.eaten(ctx => {//runs code upon consumption
ctx.player.tell('Yummy Yummy!'))
//If you want to modify this code then you need to restart the game.
//However, if you make this code call a global startup function
//and place the function *outside* of an event handler
//then you may use the command:
// /kubejs reload startup_scripts
//to reload the function instantly.
//See example below
event.create('magicer_steak').unstackable().food(food => {
// This references the function below instead of having code directly, so it is reloadable!
.eaten(ctx => global.myAwesomeReloadableFunction(ctx))
global.myAwesomeReloadableFunction = ctx => {
ctx.player.tell('Hello there!')
ctx.player.tell(Text.of('Change me then reload with ').append('/kubejs reload startup_scripts')).append(' to see your changes!'))