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This event isn't complete yet and can only do basic things. Adding dimension-specific features also isn't possible yet, but is planned.

Example script: (kubejs/startup_scripts/worldgen.js)

onEvent('worldgen.add', event => {
  event.addLake(lake => { // Create new lake feature
    lake.block = 'minecraft:diamond_block' // Block ID (Use [] syntax for properties)
    lake.chance = 3 // Spawns every ~3 chunks

  event.addOre(ore => {
    ore.block = 'minecraft:glowstone' // Block ID (Use [] syntax for properties)
    ore.spawnsIn.blacklist = false // Inverts spawn whitelist
    ore.spawnsIn.values = [ // List of valid block IDs or tags that the ore can spawn in
      '#minecraft:base_stone_overworld' // Default behavior - ores spawn in all stone types
    ore.biomes.blacklist = true // Inverts biome whitelist
    ore.biomes.values = [ // Biomes this ore can spawn in
      'minecraft:plains', // Biome ID
      '#nether' // OR #category, see list of categories below
    ore.clusterMinSize = 5 // Min blocks per cluster (currently ignored, will be implemented later, it's always 1)
    ore.clusterMaxSize = 9 // Max blocks per cluster
    ore.clusterCount = 30 // Clusters per chunk
    ore.minHeight = 0 // Min Y ore spawns in
    ore.maxHeight = 64 // Max Y ore spawns in
    // ore.squaresquared = falsetrue // DisableAdds squarerandom shapevalue forto oresX (Honestly,and imZ notbetween sure0 whatand this16. does,Recommended Ito assumebe it's what packs them together)true
    // ore.chance = 4 // Spawns the ore every ~4 chunks. You usually combine this with clusterCount = 1 for rare ores
  event.addSpawn(spawn => { // Create new entity spawn
    spawn.category = 'creature' // Category, can be one of 'creature', 'monster', 'ambient', 'water_creature' or 'water_ambient'
    spawn.entity = 'minecraft:pig' // Entity ID
    spawn.weight = 10 // Weight
    spawn.minCount = 4 // Min entities per group
    spawn.maxCount = 4 // Max entities per group

All values are optional. All feature types have biomes field like addOre example

Valid biome categories (#category):

  • taiga
  • extreme_hills
  • jungle
  • mesa
  • plains
  • savanna
  • icy
  • the_end
  • beach
  • forest
  • ocean
  • desert
  • river
  • swamp
  • mushroom
  • nether

This is the order vanilla worldgen happens:

  1. raw_generation
  2. lakes
  3. local_modifications
  4. underground_structures
  5. surface_structures
  6. strongholds
  7. underground_ores
  8. underground_decoration
  9. vegetal_decoration
  10. top_layer_modification

It's possible you may not be able to generate some things in their layer, like ores in dirt, because dirt hasn't spawned yet. So you may have to change the layer by calling ore.worldgenLayer = 'top_layer_modification'. But this is not recommended.