This page describes all functions and operations available for units
Most basic unit is plain number, such as '1'
or '4.5'
. You can use variables with $ like '$example'
. Each operation requires parenthesis around it, e.g '(10 + $example)'
. each function requires name parenthesis and comma separated arguments e.g. 'min(PI, $example)'
. You can combine as many as you want, e.g. 'min(PI, (10 + $example))'
- PI == 3.141592653589793
- E == 2.718281828459045
- true == 1.0
- false == 0.0
- -a
- (a + b)
- (a - b)
- (a * b)
- (a / b)
- (a % b)
- (a & b)
- (a | b)
- (a ^ b)
- !a
- (a << b)
- (a >> b)
- (a == b)
- (a != b)
- (a > b)
- (a < b)
- (a >= b)
- (a <= b)
- random()
- time()
- min(a, b)
- max(a, b)
- pow(a, b)
- abs(a)
- sin(a)
- cos(a)
- tan(a)
- atan(a)
- atan2(a, b)
- deg(a)
- rad(a)
- log(a)
- log10(a)
- log1p(a)
- sqrt(a)
- sq(a)
- floor(a)
- ceil(a)
- if(statement, trueUnit, falseUnit)