The most basic script to add a single recipe:
onEvent('recipes', event => {
event.shaped('3x minecraft:stone', [
'S S',
], {
S: 'minecraft:sponge',
A: 'minecraft:apple'
The most basic script to remove a recipe:
onEvent('recipes', event => {
event.remove({output: 'minecraft:stick'})
Example recipe script:
// kubejs/server_scripts/example.js
// This is just an example script to show off multiple types of recipes and removal methods
// Supports /reload
// Listen to server recipe event
onEvent('recipes', event => {
// Remove broken recipes from vanilla and other mods
// This is on by default, so you don't need this line
//event.removeBrokenRecipes = true
event.remove({}) // Removes all recipes (nuke option, usually not recommended)
event.remove({output: 'minecraft:stone_pickaxe'}) // Removes all recipes where output is stone pickaxe
event.remove({output: '#minecraft:wool'}) // Removes all recipes where output is Wool tag
event.remove({input: '#forge:dusts/redstone'}) // Removes all recipes where input is Redstone Dust tag
event.remove({mod: 'quartzchests'}) // Remove all recipes from Quartz Chests mod
event.remove({type: 'minecraft:campfire_cooking'}) // Remove all campfire cooking recipes
event.remove({id: 'minecraft:glowstone'}) // Removes recipe by ID. in this case, data/minecraft/recipes/glowstone.json
event.remove({output: 'minecraft:cooked_chicken', type: 'minecraft:campfire_cooking'}) // You can combine filters, to create ANDk logic
// You can use 'mod:id' syntax for 1 sized items. For 2+ you need to use '2x mod:id' or Item.of('mod:id', count) syntax. If you want NBT or chance, 2nd is required
// Add shaped recipe for 3 Stone from 8 Sponge in chest shape
// (Shortcut for
// If you want to use Extended Crafting, replace event.shapeless with
event.shaped('3x minecraft:stone', [
'S S',
], {
S: 'minecraft:sponge',
A: 'minecraft:apple'
// Add shapeless recipe for 4 Cobblestone from 1 Stone and 1 Glowstone
// (Shortcut for
// If you want to use Extended Crafting, replace event.shapeless with
event.shapeless('4x minecraft:cobblestone', ['minecraft:stone', '#forge:dusts/glowstone'])
// Add Stonecutter recipe for Golden Apple to 4 Apples
event.stonecutting('4x minecraft:apple', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
// Add Stonecutter recipe for Golden Apple to 2 Carrots
event.stonecutting('2x minecraft:carrot', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
// Add Furnace recipe for Golden Apple to 3 Carrots
// (Shortcut for
event.smelting('2x minecraft:carrot', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
// Similar recipe to above but this time it has a custom, static ID - normally IDs are auto-generated and will change. Useful for Patchouli
event.smelting('minecraft:golden_apple', 'minecraft:carrot').id('mymodpack:my_recipe_id')
// Add similar recipes for Blast Furnace, Smoker and Campfire
event.blasting('3x minecraft:apple', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
event.smoking('5x minecraft:apple', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
event.campfireCooking('8x minecraft:apple', 'minecraft:golden_apple')
// You can also add .xp(1.0) at end of any smelting recipe to change given XP
// Add a smithing recipe that combines 2 items into one (in this case apple and gold ingot into golden apple)
event.smithing('minecraft:golden_apple', 'minecraft:apple', 'minecraft:gold_ingot')
// Create a function and use that to make things shorter. You can combine multiple actions
let multiSmelt = (output, input, includeBlasting) => {
event.smelting(output, input)
if (includeBlasting) {
event.blasting(output, input)
multiSmelt('minecraft:blue_dye', '#forge:gems/lapis', true)
multiSmelt('minecraft:black_dye', 'minecraft:ink_sac', true)
multiSmelt('minecraft:white_dye', 'minecraft:bone_meal', false)
// If you use custom({json}) it will be using vanilla Json/datapack syntax. Must include "type": "mod:recipe_id"!
// You can add recipe to any recipe handler that uses vanilla recipe system or isn't supported by KubeJS
// You can copy-paste the json directly, but you can also make more javascript-y by removing quotation marks from keys
// You can replace {item: 'x', count: 4} in result fields with Item.of('x', 4).toResultJson()
// You can replace {item: 'x'} / {tag: 'x'} with Ingredient.of('x').toJson() or Ingredient.of('#x').toJson()
// In this case, add Create's crushing recipe, Oak Sapling to Apple + 50% Carrot
// Important! Create has integration already, so you don't need to use this. This is just an example for datapack recipes!
type: 'create:crushing',
ingredients: [
results: [
processingTime: 100
// Example of using items with NBT in a recipe
event.shaped('minecraft:book', [
], {
C: '#forge:cobblestone',
// Item.of('id', {key: value}), it's recommended to use /kubejs hand
L: Item.of('minecraft:enchanted_book', {StoredEnchantments:[{lvl:1,id:"minecraft:sweeping"}]}),
// Same principle, but if its an enchantment, there's a helper method
W: Item.of('minecraft:enchanted_book').enchant('minecraft:respiration', 2),
G: '#forge:glass'
// In all shapeless crafting recipes, replace any planks with Gold Nugget in input items
event.replaceInput({type: 'minecraft:crafting_shapeless'}, '#minecraft:planks', 'minecraft:gold_nugget')
// In all recipes, replace Stick with Oak Sapling in output items
event.replaceOutput({}, 'minecraft:stick', 'minecraft:oak_sapling')
// By default KubeJS will mirror and shrink recipes, which makes things like UU-Matter crafting (from ic2) harder to do as you have less shapes.
// You can use noMirror() and noShrink() to stop this behaviour.
event.shaped('9x minecraft:emerald', [
' D ',
'D ',
' '
], {
D: 'minecraft:diamond'
Possible settings you can change for recipes. It's recommended that you put this in it's own server scripts file, like settings.js
// priority: 5
// Enable recipe logging, off by default
settings.logAddedRecipes = true
settings.logRemovedRecipes = true
// Enable skipped recipe logging, off by default
settings.logSkippedRecipes = true
// Enable erroring recipe logging, on by default, recommended to be kept to true
settings.logErroringRecipes = false
As mentioned before, you can add any recipe from any mod with JSON syntax (see event.custom({})
) but these mods are supported as addons with special syntax:
Ingredient Actions
Poorly documented things below!
You can transform ingredients in shaped and shapeless recipes by adding these functions at end of it:
- .damageIngredient(IngredientFilter filter, int damage?) // Will damage item when you craft with it
- .replaceIngredient(IngredientFilter filter, ItemStackJS item) // Will replace item with another (like bucket)
- .keepIngredient(IngredientFilter filter) // Will keep item without doing anything to it
- .customIngredientAction(IngredientFilter filter, String customId) // Custom action that has to be registered in startup script
IngredientFilter can be either
- ItemStackJS ('minecraft:dirt', Item.of('minecraft:diamond_sword').ignoreNBT(), etc)
- Integer index of item in crafting table (0, 1, etc)
- Object with item and/or index ( {item: 'something', index: 0}, etc)
onEvent('recipes', event => {
event.shapeless('9x minecraft:melon_slice', [ // Craft 9 watermelon slices
Item.of('minecraft:diamond_sword').ignoreNBT(), // Diamond sword that ignores damage
'minecraft:melon' // Watermelon block
]).damageIngredient(Item.of('minecraft:diamond_sword').ignoreNBT()) // Damage the sword (also has to ignore damage or only 0 damage will work)
// Craft example block from 2 diamond swords and 2 dirt. After crafting first diamond sword is damaged (index 0) and 2nd sword is kept without changes.
event.shaped('kubejs:example_block', [
'SD ',
'D S'
], {
S: Item.of('minecraft:diamond_sword').ignoreNBT(),
D: 'minecraft:dirt'
// Craft example block from 2 diamond swords and 2 stones. After crafting, diamond sword is replaced with stone sword
event.shapeless('kubejs:example_block', [
]).replaceIngredient('minecraft:diamond_sword', 'minecraft:stone_sword')
// Craft clay from sand, bone meal, dirt and water bottle. After crafting, glass bottle is left in place of water bottle
event.shapeless('minecraft:clay', [
Item.of('minecraft:potion', {Potion: "minecraft:water"})
]).replaceIngredient({item: Item.of('minecraft:potion', {Potion: "minecraft:water"})}, 'minecraft:glass_bottle')
// Register a customIngredientAction, and recipe that uses it
// This one takes the nbt from an enchanted book and applies it to a tool in the crafting table, for no cost.
// Thanks to Prunoideae for providing it!
Ingredient.registerCustomIngredientAction("apply_enchantment", (itemstack, index, inventory) => {
let enchantment = inventory.get(inventory.find(Item.of("minecraft:enchanted_book").ignoreNBT())).nbt;
if (itemstack.nbt == null)
itemstack.nbt = {}
itemstack.nbt = itemstack.nbt.merge({ Enchantments: enchantment.get("StoredEnchantments") })
return itemstack;
event.shapeless("minecraft:book", ["#forge:tools", Item.of("minecraft:enchanted_book").ignoreNBT()])
.customIngredientAction("#forge:tools", "apply_enchantment")