Custom Blocks
This is a startup script.
onEvent('block.registry', event => {
event.create('test_block').material('glass').hardness(0.5).displayName('Test Block')
The texture for this block has to be placed in kubejs/assets/kubejs/textures/block/test_block.png
If you want a custom block model, you can create one in Blockbench and put it in kubejs/assets/kubejs/models/block/test_block.json
List of available materials - to change break/walk sounds and to change some properties (tool used to mine, etc):
Material |
air |
wood |
rock |
iron |
organic |
earth |
water |
lava |
leaves |
plants |
sponge |
wool |
sand |
glass |
tnt |
coral |
ice |
snow |
clay |
groud |
dragon_egg |
portal |
cake |
web |
slime |
honey |
berry_bush |
lantern |