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Components, KubeJS and you!

In 1.18.2 and beyond KubeJS uses Components in a lot of places. It returns them for entity names, item names and accepts them for everything from tooltips to sending messages to players.

All examples use event.player.tell from the event to output their example, but they will with anywhere that accepts a Component!

Making your own Components starts from the ComponentWrapper class, invokable with just Component or Text from anywhere. The examples all use Component but Text works just the same.

ComponentWrapper methods:


Return TypeInfo
of(Object o)MutableComponentReturns a component based on what was input. Accepts strings, primitives like numbers, snbt/nbt format of Components and a couple others.
clickEventOf(Object o)ClickEventReturns a ClickEvent based on what was input. See examples below
prettyPrintNbt(Tag tag)ComponentReturns a component with a prettified version of the input NBT.
join(MutableComponent seperator, Iterable<? extends Component> texts)MutableComponentReturns the result of looping through texts and joining them, separating each one with seperator.
string(String text)MutableComponentReturns a basic unformatted TextComponent with just the input text
translate(String key)MutableComponentReturns a basic unformatted TranslatableComponent with the input key.
translate(String key, Object... objects)MutableComponentReturns an unformatted TranslatableComponent with objects as the replacements for %s in the translation output. 
keybind(String keybind)MutableComponentReturns a basic unformatted KeybindComponent with the specified keybind.
<color>(Object text)MutableComponent

Returns a basic Component with the specified color for text coloring. Valid colors are in the list below. Do not include the <> brackets.

A list of colors accepted in various places:

  • black
  • darkBlue
  • darkGreen
  • darkAqua
  • darkRed
  • darkPurple
  • gold
  • gray
  • darkGray
  • blue
  • green
  • aqua
  • red
  • lightPurple
  • yellow
  • white

Basic examples:

onEvent('', event => {
  // Tell the player a normal message
  event.player.tell(Component.string('Hello world'))
  // Now in black
  event.player.tell('Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies!'))
  // Tell them the diamond item, in whatever language they have set
  // Now tell them whatever key they have crouching set to
  // And finally show them the nbt data of the item they are holding



These are methods you can call on any MutableComponent. This includes ComponentKJS, which is a KubeJS extension for vanilla's components and is injected into vanillas code on runtime. All methods from ComponentKJS are included, but only relevant ones from vanilla are included.



Return TypeInfo
iterator()Iterator<Component>Returns an Iterator for the components contained in this component, useful for when multiple have been joined or appended. From ComponentKJS.
self()MutableComponentReturns the component you ran it on. From ComponentKJS.
toJson()JsonElementReturns the Json representation of this Component. From ComponentKJS.
<color>()MutableComponentModifies the Component with the specified color applied as formatting, and returns itself. Do not include the <> brackets. From ComponentKJS.
color(Color c)MutableComponentModifies the Component to have the input Color, and returns itself. (Color is a Rhino color). From ComponentKJS.
noColor()MutableComponentModifies the Component to have no color, and returns itself. From ComponentKJS.






MutableComponentModifies the Component to have said formatting and returns itself. From ComponentKJS.

bold(@Nullable Boolean value)

italic(@Nullable Boolean value)

underlined(@Nullable Boolean value)

strikethrough(@Nullable Boolean value)

obfuscated(@Nullable Boolean value)

MutableComponentModifies the Component to have said formatting and returns itself. From ComponentKJS.
insertion(@Nullable String s)MutableComponentMakes the Component insert the specified string into the players chat box when shift clicked (does not send it) and returns itself. From ComponentKJS.
font(@Nullable ResourceLocation s)MutableComponentChanges the Components font to the specified font and returns itself. For more information on adding fonts see the Minecraft Wiki's Resource packs page. From ComponentKJS.
click(@Nullable ClickEvent s)MutableComponentSets this components ClickEvent to the specified ClickEvent. From ComponentKJS.
hover(@Nullable Component s)MutableComponentSets the hover tooltip for this Component to the input Component. From ComponentKJS.
setStyle(Style style)MutableComponentSets the style to the input Style ( amd returns itself. Not recommended for use, use the specific methods added by CompontentKJS instead.
append(String string)MutableComponentAppends the input string as a basic TextComponent to this Component then returns itself.
append(Component component)MutableComponentAppends the input Component to this Component then returns itself.
withStyle(Style style)MutableComponentMerges the input style with the current style, preffering properties from the new style if a conflict exists.
getStyle()StyleReturns this Components current Style.
getContents()MutableComponentReturns this Components contents. Will return the text for TextComponents, the pattern for SelectorComponents and an empty string for all other Components.
getSiblings()List<Component> Returns a list of all Components which have been append()ed to this Component 
plainCopy()BaseComponentReturns a basic copy of this, preserving only the contents and not the style or siblings.
copy()MutableComponentReturns a full copy of this Component, preserving style and siblings

More complex examples:

// First a prefix, like a rank. This won't be changing so we can just declare it up here.
const prefix = Component.darkRed('[Admin]').underlined()

onEvent('', event => {
  // First cancel the event because we are going to be sending the message ourselves
  // The main Component we will be adding stuff to. It is just a copy of the prefix component for now
  let component = prefix.copy() // If we didn't copy it all the modifications we made to it would be applied to the original as well!
  // Make a component of the players name and then surround with < > and make it white again. Then append it our main copmponent.
  // A component will inherit any styiling it doesnt have from whatever it has been .append()ed to, so you need to apply formatting	rather liberally some times!
  let playerName = Component.string(event.getUsername())
  // Doing it this way means we only have to apply the white formatting and no underline once to the name
  let nameComponent = Component.white(' <').underlined(false).append(playerName).append('> ')
  // Finnally add the message (obfuscated, of course) and send it!
  // We make sure to set its color and underline though, otherwise it will end up inheriting the red and underline from the prefix!