Command Registry
This page is unfinished and only provides basic information
The following code has not been completely tested on 1.18 and not at all on 1.16
onEvent("command.registry", event => {//command registry event
const { commands: Commands, arguments: Arguments} = event;//idk what this do
event.register(//register a new command
Commands.literal("myCommand")//the command is called myCommand
.requires(src => src.hasPermission(2))//2 is op, idk about the others. Pretty sure this line is optional
.then(Commands.argument('arg1', Arguments.STRING.create(event))//takes argument string called arg1. You can have as many (or none) as you want.
.then(Commands.argument('arg2', Arguments.FLOAT.create(event))//takes argument float called arg2. The other type you can use can be found with ProbeJS
.executes(ctx => {//run the command
const arg1 = Arguments.STRING.getResult(ctx, "arg1");//get recipe
const arg2 = Arguments.FLOAT.getResult(ctx, "agr2");//get the value
//your code goes here
if(arg1 == "foo")//example
return 0//return 0 means command did not work
let level = ctx.source.level.asKJS()
let position = ctx.source.position
level.getEntitiesWithin(AABB.of(position.x()-2,position.y()-2,position.z()-2,position.x()+2,position.y()+2,position.z()+2)).forEach(entity => {
if ( entity.attack(3)
return arg2